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Keto adapted diet

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Let’s begin with how weight gain and inflammation happens, starting with our mouth:

1.After you eat excess carbohydrates and/or too much protein, your blood glucose stays at a higher level longer because the glucose can’t make it into the cells of the muscles. This toxic level of glucose is like tar in the bloodstream clogging arteries, binding with proteins to form damaging AGEs (advanced glycation end-products) and causing inflammation. This high level of glucose causes triglycerides to go up, increasing your risk for coronary artery disease.

2.Starch and sugar get stored as fat. (Remember, starch is just glucose molecules hooked together in a long chain, and the digestive track breaks it down into glucose. So, a sugary diet and a starch diet are the same thing.) Because the muscle cells basically have a crust over top of them (called glycation), the cells aren’t getting glycogen and are therefore considered “resistant.” Additionally, since insulin stops the production of the fat-burning enzyme lipase, now you can’t even burn stored fat! You can workout all you want, but if you continue to eat oatmeal before your workouts, you will never be a fat-burner: you will remain a sugar-burner and you will continue to get fatter until eventually, those fat cells become resistant too.

3.If the above information isn’t bad enough, I have more bad news: insulin levels continue to stay at a higher level longer because the pancreas mistakenly believes, “if a little is not working, more is better.” This is not good. Insulin is very toxic at high levels, causing cellular damage, cancers, plaque buildup in the arteries (which is why diabetics are more likely to have heart disease) as well as many other inflammatory issues such as nerve damage and pain in the extremities. Starch and sugar destroy nerve tissue, causing tingling and retinopathy, which in turn cause glaucoma and cause you to lose your eyesight.

4.Sorry, but I have more bad news … Our cells become so damaged after a life of cereal and skim milk for breakfast that not only does insulin resistance block glucose from entering muscle cells, but the crust we have formed over our cells also blocks amino acids from entering. Amino acids are the building blocks for our muscles that are found in protein. So now, you can’t even maintain your muscles. If that isn’t bad enough, your muscles become cannibals. Because your body thinks there is not enough stored sugar in the cells, it sends signals to start to consume valuable muscles to make more glucose (sugar). You get fatter and you lose muscle.
5.Instead of feeling energetic after you eat, you feel tired, and you crave more carbohydrates. Since you now have less muscle, exercise is getting too darn difficult, and the sad cycle continues.
6.Now comes even more bad news: because of everything your body has been through up to this point, thyroid disorders can occur. When your liver becomes insulin resistant, it can’t convert thyroid hormone T4 into the T3, so you get those unexplained “thyroid problems” which continue to lower your energy and your metabolism.

If you don’t want any of this to happen to you, there is good news! Here are some steps you can take to avoid the consequences of sugar and starch:

 1.Lower your carbohydrates, moderate your protein intake, and increase healthy fats. Do it not only for yourself, but for your kids, too! It is important they don’t end up as insulin sensitive as we are.

2.Exercise. I’m not referring to exercise for calorie expenditure, but for hormone control. Even if you are simply walking after meals, your body will benefit. Moving has a major impact on improving insulin sensitivity since muscles burn your stored glycogen as fuel during and after your workout. People mistakenly think that they need to exercise to create a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. This is not how exercise helps with weight loss. Exercise builds muscle, and muscle builds mitochondria. It is in the mitochondria where fat is oxidized so you can keep your cells and your liver insulin sensitized.
“Healthy” metabolism is different than a “fast” metabolism. I was obviously referring to a fast metabolism, but a fast metabolism isn’t with a fast metabolism were the “unhealthy” people who died young. But today, they are the people who tell me that they do not have to diet or watch what they eat because they are thin and “healthy.” Really? You have no complaints about your health? No ailments that bother you? Just because you are thin does not give you permission to eat sugar and starch in abundance. The higher a person’s metabolism is, the more calories are needed to maintain weight. This most likely translates into that person consuming more food than someone with a slow metabolism. While eating more is not a health issue in and of itself, more often than not it means a person is eating less healthy foods than someone who has always struggled with weight. These unhealthy sugary and starchy foods increase risk for metabolic syndrome, and they also increase risk for cardiovascular issues, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, joint pain, and inflammation. So even if you are not overweight.

Inflammation is the stem of all disease. I hear from many people that they are on an “anti-inflammatory” diet, but are they really? Do they think that since they cut out “sugar” and replaced their sugar cravings with fruit, that it is “anti-inflammatory”? Sure, someone with a healthy metabolism and no inflammation may be able to handle more fruit than someone with chronic pain, but why even stimulate those sugary taste buds? An inflammatory diet is cutting out all sugar and when I say sugar, I also mean starch.

The Perfect Health Diet in Brief

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The Perfect Health Diet is, by calories, a low-to-moderate-carbohydrate (20 to 35 percent), high-fat (50 to 65 percent), moderate-protein (15 percent) diet. However, by weight, the diet is about 65 percent plant foods, 35 percent meats and oils.

DO eat:

• About one pound per day—roughly, four fist-sized servings—of “safe starches”: white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, winter squashes, and a few others. Add up to another pound of sugary plants—fruits, berries, beets, carrots, and such—and as many low-calorie vegetables as you like. Be sure to include a bit of seaweed, for minerals. In total, you might eat 2 to 3 pounds of plant foods.

• At least a half pound, probably not more than one pound, of fatty meats, seafood, and eggs. Once a week, eat salmon or other cold-water fish for omega-3 fatty acids.

• Eat 2 to 4 tablespoons of healthful cooking oils and fats per day—enough to make your food delicious but not oily. Butter, sour cream, beef tallow, duck fat, coconut oil, olive oil, and tree nut butters are the best fats. Use spices, including salt. Liberally use acids such as vinegar, lemon juice, and lime juice.

• Adjust the amount of food to fit your appetite, but keep these relative proportions of plant and animal foods. Adjust the proportions of fat, starch, and protein to make your food as delicious as possible.

Do NOT eat:

• Grains and cereals (including wheat, oats, and corn but excluding rice) or any products made from them (including bread and pasta). However, it is okay to eat gluten-free products made from rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca starch.

• Sugar, corn syrup, or products containing them (soda, sweets).

• Beans or peanuts (such as soybeans, kidney beans, jack beans, or pinto beans).

• Omega-6-rich vegetable seed oils (such as soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, and canola oil).


• Milk, but DO eat fermented or fatty dairy products: butter, sour cream, ice cream, cheese, yogurt.

Finally, DO:

• Eat “supplemental foods” such as beef liver, shellfish, kidneys, egg yolks, bone and joint broth soups, seaweed, tomatoes, and fermented vegetables to obtain crucial micronutrients. Supplement other nutrients as needed, especially magnesium, iodine, and vitamins C, D, and K.

• Practice intermittent fasting by restricting eating to an eight-hour window.

• Exercise in the morning; expose your skin to sunshine; avoid bright light and too much food at night; and get a good night’s sleep.


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The following is a list of the 5 foods that make you fat.

1. French fries - Fries dehydrate and absorb fat, so concentrate more calories than other foods. In fact, by being accompanied of refined carbohydrates, fats and the additives we put in them are also very addictive. 

2. Sodas - We all know that contain enough sugar. What many do not know is they add caffeine, a substance that excite us. And cola drinks contain phosphorus, which prevents the absorption of calcium in the bones. Even cola "Light" contains phosphorus. 

4. Pasta - If eaten with measurement no problem. It's bad when you eat too much and if the sauce, condiments, cheeses and accompanying ingredients contain calories and carbohydrates, even worse. THAT'S A REAL PROBLEM.

5. Cakes, bread, cookies, etc. - Made with refined flour and even more, if they have refined sugar. If we add some kind of artificial jam, it is perfect for gaining weight.

3. Red meat - You should moderate it's consumption and have to be very careful with processed meats such as sausages as they have saturated fat, sodium, and calories. 


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Boost energy levels and treat your body to the nutrition it deserves, with these 5 superfoods. (Fitness and lifestyle)

1. Almonds - Almonds are rich in protien, vitamin E, magnesium, fiber & many key animo acids, which are beneficial for the body. They are frequently used as a healthy solution for relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, heart disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. (Fitness and lifestyle)

2. Eggs  - A single large egg is just about 70 calories and offers six grams of protien. Filled with protien, iron and vitamin B7, they can improve hair growth and even prevent anemia. Eggs are also a great source of omega - 3 fatty acids, which are essential for normal body function and heart health. (Fitness and lifestyle)

3. Broccoli - Broccoli is packed with vitmanis, minerals, diseases-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. It has ability to prevent many types of cancer, improve digestion, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, detoxify the body, protect the skin, prevent birth defects, eliminate inflammation, and improve vision. (Fitness and lifestyle)

4. Bananas - Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins, fiber and all natural sugars. Nutritionists says that eating two banana per day in just month, your health would be significantly improved. 
(Fitness and lifestyle)
5. Salmon - Salmon is an oily fish that is high  in protien and omega -3 fatty acids. Salmon can help prevent numerous diseases like depression, heart disease, prostate cancer and can resolve many other health condition. (Fitness and lifestyle)

What to Eat to Quickly Gain Weight and Muscle

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1. Milk - Taking the first place is milk -- an excellent choice for anyone looking to gain weight and build muscle. Of course, milk has  been here for decades and the good thing is, it never fails to deliver. For the most part, this food is chock full of protien making it perfect  for those trying to add more muscle. What's more, milk is a great source of calcium, vitamins and other essential minerals. Just focus on drinking a glass or two after your workout session -- you'll definitely see results!   (Fitness and lifestyle )

2. Protien shakes - Protien smoothies, stick with homemade - looking for a sure, quick and highly nutritious  way to gain weight? If so, i'll recommend give protien smoothies a shot. And oh, i know you might considering store - bought protien shake, but trust me, making yours will be much better, the thing is those commercial versions are typically loaded with sugar and also lack nutreints. Remember -- we're looking to gain weight and muscle the healthy way; no diversions!     (Fitness and lifestyle )

3. Red meats -  Yes, red meats also happen to be on our list -- in fact, they're on the best muscle - buildind foods right now. For the most part, red meats contain dietary creatine; an amazing muscle building suppliment. And oh, if you're a big fan of steak you'll be happy to hear that it contains leucine; about 3 grams per 6 ounces. Essentially, leucine is an essential amino acid the body needs to stimulate muscle protien synthesis and add new muscle tissue. But what if you're just looking to add some weight? Well, red meats are perfect for you; they contain a right amount of fat and calories! In fact, they're way better then lean meats in this regard. Don't hesitate to eat up! (Fitness and lifestyle )

4. Nuts and nut butters - First off, nuts are chock full of calorie. In fact eating just two handsful a day as a snack can quickly add hundred of calories. And if  you're considering almonds you'll be happy to hear that just a small handful contain more than 7 grams of protien and 18 grams of healthy fats. What more could you ask for?
As for nut butter, you can choose to get some { preferably 100% nut butter } and add to whatever snack that tickles your fancy.  (Fitness and lifestyle )

5. Rice - Last but not the least is rice ------ just a single serving can give you high amount of carbs and calories. It's also good to know that rice is super easy to consume and digest. But be careful though, some types of rice are high in arsenic; a chemical element that can cause metal toxicity. And oh, one you prepare your rice, don't forget to add some protien and healthy fats to the mix ---- you'll be incredibly glad you did!   (Fitness and lifestyle )

 And that's it!
 Five highly nutritious food  that can increase your chances of buffing up, gaining weight and looking great.

(Fitness and lifestyle )


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 1. WATERMELON - Because 90 percent of watermelon's weight is water, it's one of the best fruit to eat if you're trying to loose a weight. A 100-gram serving contains only 30 calories. It's also a great source of an amino acid called arginime, which helps burn fat quickly. In addition to helping the body stay hydrated, a watermelon snack will make you feel full so you won't have craving between meals.

2. GUAVA - A powerhouse of nutrients, guavas can also help weight loss without compromising your intake of proteins, vitamins and fiber. This delicious tropical fruit is packed with roughage, vitamins, protiens and minerals. It's a win-win when you consider these benefits with it's small number of digestible carbohydrates and the fact that guava contains zero chloesterol. Raw guavas have much less sugar compared to fruit such as apples, oranges and grapes, and they keep the metabolism regulated.

3. APPLE  - An apple a day keep the doctor away, but it can also help you lose weight more quickly. The good news is that eating just one apple a day --- with the skin on --- gives the body and average of 4-4 grams of fiber, which is about one-fifth of our daily need. Apples are a rich source of a powerful fiber called pectin. Eating apples or pears before meals resulted in significant weight loss according to a study published in Nutrition journal.

4. BANANA - Considered the perfect pre - or post workout snack, bananas are healthier than most energy bars, which often contain lots of sugar and chemicals. Although the average banana contains 27 grams of carbs, the fruit can help stop weight gain because it has only 105 calories and three gram of filling fiber. Bananas are also known to fight muscle cramps, keep blood pressure low and prevent acidity. Just try and stick to one banana a day.

5. TOMATOES- Let's not forget that the tomato is a fruit not a vegetable. This powerful red ally is full of antioxidants and can help reduce water retentions. It also fights leptin resistance. (Leptin is a type of protien that prevents our body from losing weight. ) Plus, tomatoes are very low in calories; an average-sized tomato is just 22 calories and a large one is 33 caloriea. Tomatoes are also considered an appetite-suppressant "high-volume" food, which they have amounts of water, air and fiber.

It should be evident, but you can't just burn fat and shed weight by simple eating these five fruits alone.


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Drinking warm water flushes the toxin, including fat deposits, circulating in your body, which improves blood circulation. Muscles relax as well, also aiding in better blood flow.
Lemon water mixed with honey is a gentle, yet powerful detoxification agent. It is a liver tonic, improving its function of neutralizing toxins. Its diurectic effect helps in flushing out the toxins through urine. Regular consumption of warm lemon-honey water in the morning promotes regularity.
Getting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your arms, hands, and face two to three times a week is enough to enjoy the vitamin D-boosting benefits of sun.
4. WALK/JOG - Reason why jogging is good for you.

  • Jogging Helps in Weight Loss. A half hour jog easily burns around 300 calories.
  • Improves Bone Strenght
  • Develops Muscles
  • Keep the Mind Healthy
  • Good for the Heart
  • Boost the Respiratory system
  • Prevents Infections and Communicable Diseases
  • Curbs Mental Stress
Aprat from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protien and fibre.
When it comes to food and the human body, a calorie is not necessarily a calorie.... High-quality foods not only provide health benefits, but they also make it lot easier to consume fewer calories in the long run.